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게시물 검색
Total 128건 12 페이지
학술지 논문 검색 목록
권호수 제목 저자 논문파일
2011 Ultrasonic-optical fiber based on hydrogen detecting sensor for hydrogen fuel cell vehicle Hyeong-Doo Song, In-Su Jeon and Chang-Doo Kee 첨부
2011 Shear distinctiveness of WBK and WBD Junye Song¹, Gyeong Deuk Ko², Ki Won Lee¹ and Ki Ju Kang¹* 첨부
2011 Design and fabrication of multilayer mirror for monochromatic parallel X-ray beam Thanh-hai Nguyen* and Insu Jeon 첨부
2011 Biomechanical evaluation of multiple drilling on osteonecrosis of femoral head Ji Yong Bae*, Dai-Soon Kwak** and Insu Jeon* 첨부
2011 Three-dimensional locomotive and drilling microrobot using stationary EMA system with 4-pair coils Hyunchul Choi*, Kyoungrae Cha, Semi Jeong, Jongho Park and Sukho Park 첨부
2011 Development and evaluation of bacteria based microrobot using biocompatible materials JaeHee Kim, SungJun Park, DaeCheol Park, YoungJin Choi, JongOh Park, SukHo Park 첨부
2011 Development of force estimation of deformable tissue based on depth map for one port surgical robot Woo-Young Kim*, Sung-Min Seung*, Hong-Suk Choi, Seong-Young Ko, Suk-Ho Park, Jong-Oh Park 첨부
2011 Development of small manipulator Development of small manipulator Sung-Min Seung, Byung-Jeon Kang, Seong-Yong Ko, Jong-Oh Park* and Suk-Ho Park* 첨부
2011 Control of bacteria based microrobot using patterning method with agarose gel Deacheol Park, SungJun Park, YoungJin Choi, JongOh Park, SukHo Park 첨부
2011 Modeling and control of quad rotor UAV Si-Seup Kim*, Chang-Doo Kee+ 첨부

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